woensdag 19 mei 2010

Journey of Air Hockey Tables at Christmas

This was Christmas 1977, I was 9 years old, and my older brother got a hockey table air Santa Claus. We came of age when we are fairly confident we know the truth about Santa Claus and were determined to stay and take in flagrante delicto. We lived in a three storey house, and my brother's room was on the first floor, near the driveway and family room. He had a bunk bed, I slept downstairs in his room with plans for not sleeping. We laid in our beds and talking excitedly, but quietly (Christmas Eve is not the time to get into trouble, in case Santa was real!) From time to time we opened the door quietly and sneak up the stairs straight into the living space. But he was always the same, calm and no change. It would be a long night.

I think we were asleep, although I have not really remember sleeping. It was about 4:30 am when Matthew and I left the room. We crawled, and yes, Santa was there while we were sleeping! Santa brought us a gift each, and we are easily my gifts and donations for our two little sisters, but not for Matthew. If it comes down to the room of Matthew, we have seen something of the family. Yeah, air hockey table, we were so happy!

My parents have always had a rule on Christmas morning. They rose early and play Santa with our gift, but we had to wait 8:00 before we can wake them. So here was 4:30 or 5:00 am, and Matthew and I were playing hockey in the air and a blast! But the memory of my mother is not so nice. It turns out that our parents' bedroom was on the third floor, just above the family room (typical house layout three floors), and of course, the guy walked away heat the family room or bedroom bed. So mom and dad had been late and I wanted to get some sleep at last, and all she could hear a clickity-click-click-click! Needless to say we were back in bed and I had to wait to play later.

But this picture of air hockey was the most popular and most memorable Christmas gift of all time, I still remember, more than any other. It states that the hours of family fun. As children we organize tournaments, and children nearer, the better question. Our house has always been a everyeone suspended anyway, the air hockey table was a bonus. We are unlikely to play with the official rules, but we had fun making our own rules and played as a child. But unlike the toys of children, there is no age limit for those who enjoy the play and the game never really old because new adversaries placed on new challenges.

For family time, table air hockey is not correct. I know it took us hours of pleasure when I was growing up, and brings us together as a family. Moreover, we still enjoy hockey table air and tell the story of Matthew and laugh and play very early on Christmas morning and wake up our parents with a clickity-click!

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